November 28th, 2015 Xero Insides Interiors Numbers Nerds 2015
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November 14th, 2015 Petter has a chat with Ben from Chaser find out more
July 13th, 2015 numbers nerds celebrates success!
Numbers nerds celebrated success this past February at XeroCon awards ceremony in London 2015 where nineteen awards were presented across the evening to accounting and bookkeeping companies. Amongst them Mark and Jairo from Numbers Nerds picked up their hard earned ‘Xero Bookkeeping Partner of the Year’ award.
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February 10th, 2015 a brand new blog on numbers, nerds and getting your finances sorted
We have to admit, when we first came up with the idea of starting a numbers nerds blog, we couldn’t help but ask ourselves: aren’t the nerds more about numbers, not words? Armed with our determination to spread our nerdy wisdom to the furthest reaches of the worldwide web, we decided to give it a […]
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